Northern Sydney Drop in Centres
CROWS NEST CENTRE – 9439 5122 Provides a free meal, a shower and a towel for people who are homeless. CHURCH BY THE BRIDGE – 8920 9817 Provides a free community lunch on the first Sunday of the month at 12pm. DELVENA WOMEN’S REFUGE – 9428 4929 Crisis accommodation and support for women and children escaping domestic violence. PHOENIX HOUSE – 9437 0077 Housing options advice, programs and counselling for vulnerable young people and their families. The Kirribilli Centre – 9922 4428 Weekly community lunch for disadvantaged and socially isolated members of our community. Numbers are limited. Bookings essential. HARE KRISHNA FOOD FOR LIFE 180 Falcon Street, North Sydney Free, nutritious, vegetarian evening meal daily 6-8pm