Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
C3 Church
Free lunch, fresh fruit, emergency food hampers (by appointment only), occasional free haircuts, community support and message of hope.
Buckingham House (flourish Australia)
A recovery and activity program for people with a lived experience of mental health issues.
Australian Hearing
Our services include assessing hearing, fitting hearing devices and providing counselling and rehabilitative programs to help eligible clients manage their hearing impairment.
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
We assist consumers and small businesses to reach agreements with financial firms about how to resolve their complaints.
Darlinghurst Medical Centre
Spoken Languages: Arabic, Bengali, Czech, English. Service Bulkbills
Crows Nest Centre
Provides a free meal, a shower and a towel for people who are homeless.
Complaints Resolution and Referral Service:
The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service is a free service for people with disability who are users of Australia Government funded Disability services.
Community Restorative Centre
THE COMMUNITY RESTORATIVE CENTRE (CRC) provides a range of services to people involved in the criminal justice system and their families.