Through workplace giving employees make small, regular donations to charity through their pre-tax pay. Many businesses enhance the collective impact of their workplace giving program through donation matching, workplace fundraising, volunteering, skill sharing and in-kind support.
Would you like to setup workplace giving to support Sydney Homeless Connect? We prefer to connect one-one with everyone involved in Sydney Homeless Connect. If you’re interested in supporting us through Workplace Giving, then we would like to meet you and personally let you know the impact you and your organisation could have on helping those who are experiencing homelessness.
If you’re interested in holding a workplace giving event, we would love to come and show your employees the impact Sydney Homeless Connect has on the community. We would also appreciate the opportunity to share some insights and expand their understanding on this epidemic.

Please email us at if you’re interested in exploring this program with your organisation.
Workplace Giving is a win-win-win for business, employees and charities.
Employers enjoy greater staff engagement, retention, productivity, reputation and social impact.
Employees give in a smarter, tax-effective way and build a sense of pride in their employer
Charities get low-cost, regular funds, access to valuable skills and strong partnerships.
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